85,708 Children Receive JAMSBooks!

85,708 children and many color-happy adults have received JAMSBooks educational materials in the following countries as of today, January 30, 2017. I wonder what it will be like once we surpass 100,000 someday…AWESOME!

South America
Bolivia (80)

Colombia (1,750)

Guyana (100)

Peru (375)

Central America

Nicaragua (1,360)

Belize (2,250)

Honduras (3,700)

Guatemala (1,890)

El Salvador (1,000)

Panama (1,080)

Central American Burn clinics (1,900)

Unspecified  (17,200)

India (10)


Dominican Republic (4,375)

Haiti (28,019)

Jamaica (1,300)

Dominica (1,000)

Malawi (600)

Ghana (3,650)

South Sudan (20)

Unspecified (6,225)

Swahili-specific (500)

Himalayan Burn Clinic (50)

Philippines (2,650)

United States

Yes, Girls, You ARE Worthy!

Having fun collaborating with LittleDressesForAfrica.org to create a customized book for the kids they reach by sewing dresses for little girls – over 2 million sewn so far!

We are illustrating their special pillow-case dresses on existing coloring book characters. The first page below is the new illustration, the one on the right is the previous one. 


LOVE to assist in the mission “Planting in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy.” Yes, girls, YOU ARE WORTHY!!

Little Dresses for Africa to Bring Little Coloring Books Too

Rachel O’Neill, Founder & Director of Little Dresses for Africa, is taking a number of JAMSBooks coloring books – in both English and Chicewa – to Malawi, Africa next month. How darling are these dresses? These girls are going to feel special, getting a dress and a customized coloring book!

Seabrook SDA Church Teaches Hygiene with JAMSBooks

I was reading with great interest about the coloring books you have published for
Haitian children.  I understand that these books are teaching children and parents
how to stay healthy.  The purpose of my email is to find out how we can get these
books for our Haiti Mission Trip in July.
We are  a missionary group from Seabrook SDA Church in Maryland and plan to be
in Abricots, Haiti from July 6th through July 15, 2012.  We are doing a Vacation
Bible School program about ‘taking care of your body’.  We are also going to be accompanied by a dentist and 2 nurses who will provide some medical assistance
to the small area we are visiting.
Please let us know how we can acquire these books for our mission.  Thank you so
very much for publishing such a relevant piece of work for the Haitian children.
Giliane St-Amand Green
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