67,674 Reached

67,674 children and many color-happy adults have received JAMSBooks educational materials in the following countries as of today, May 19, 2016. I wonder what it will be like once we surpass 100,000 someday…AWESOME!

South America
Bolivia (80)
Colombia (1,000)
Peru (375)

Central America

Nicaragua (1,160)
Belize (1,500)
Honduras (2,950)
Guatemala (1,140)
El Salvador (1,000)
Panama (1,080)
Central American Burn clinics (1,900)
Unspecified  (12,400)

India (10)

Dominican Republic (3,400)
Haiti (25,550)
Jamaica (1,000)
Dominica (1,000)

Malawi (500)
Ghana (3,650)
South Sudan (20)
Unspecified (5,325)
Swahili-specific (400)

Himalayan Burn Clinic (50)
Philippines (800)

United States

Gospel Story Parable for Africa Available

Thanks to Kim Kargbo and Women of Hope International, a new book is available to help share the gospel in areas of Africa. Kim shared the text of a parable about the sacrifice of a village chief for a project we created for her a few years ago. She’s used this story in West Africa to present the gospel.

Now it’s available in a book form in two sizes. It can be viewed in full if you just send me an email request at jean@jamsbooks.com. Let us know what you think, especially if you have experience in Africa.

Coloring Books Reach 57,159 Children Since 2009


57,159 children and many color-happy adults have received education in the form of coloring books in the following countries as of December 2015:

South America
Bolivia (80)
Colombia (1000)
Peru (375)

Central America

Nicaragua (1160)
Belize (1500)
Honduras (2,950)
Guatemala (1140)
El Salvador (1000)
Panama (1080)
Central American Burn clinics (1900)
Other (9900)

India (10)

Dominican Republic (3400)
Haiti (21,035)
Jamaica (1000)
Dominica (1000)

Malawi (500)
Ghana (3350)
South Sudan (20)
Other (3425)

Himalayan Burn Clinic (50)
Philippines (800)

United States

Kay Mackenson Teaches About Diabetes in Haiti

We completed a 20-page book for Dr. Ric Bonnell and the Kay Mackenson clinic and staff! What a pleasure to work with this team. The book will help children in Haiti understand the signs and symptoms of diabetes. It will show them how to get help, take insulin and live a healthier life! Can’t wait to see pictures of children looking at these books in Haiti.

Meanwhile, here are some representative pages:

pg2 pg12 pg14 pg16

Global Missions Health Conference, Here We Come!


On the way to the Global Missions Health Conference in Louisville with Kristin Casciani, faithful consultant and friend. We are excited to be “booth bunnies” while catching up with colleagues and meeting new ones.

Shouting out about JAMSBooks bringing health education to children around the world!

HUGE giveaway: mini jam jars…thank you Amanda Weber for the idea…