Ebola: Helping Educate in West Africa


For the last 8 days, the JAMSBooks team, in 5th gear, with illustrator Seitu Hayden
at the helm, designed a 4-page booklet for Women of Hope International, to help
educate people in West Africa about Ebola.

Women of Hope Color Logo - Web


The illustrations accompany an intricately-designed lesson and story created by
Kim Kargbo,  President & CEO at Women of Hope International. The booklet and
lesson are designed to be used together.  Downloadable Ebola educational Materials
on Women of Hope website may be found at http://www.womenofhopeinternational.org/ebola-resources

To note:

  • The picture booklet was designed to accompany the lesson
  • It is important that the booklet be used in conjunction with the broader
    teaching lesson, so as not to misinform.
  • The lesson is specifically designed to address the common misconceptions
    and beliefs that are continuing to hamper educational efforts in West Africa.
  • The front cover of the picture booklet illustrates the key story in the lesson,
    which identifies two different women and their varied responses to the virus,
    with the resulting ramifications.
  • Allowing people to process through the story, and analyze the thoughts and
    behaviors of “someone else” gives them a degree of separation which allows
    people to see what the wrong thoughts can do, without casting blame on
    themselves directly.

Both English and French versions of the booklet and lessons have been emailed to
community health educators in Sierra Leone, Senegal, Guinea and Nigeria.

If you know anyone who needs educational resources to help, please download
or contact JAMSBooks at jean@jamsbooks.com.


Ending Ebola

Working on a the design and illustration of a simple, 4-page booklet to help stop the spread of Ebola in West Africa in partnership with Women of Hope International. Stayed tuned…

EBOLA.We’re hearing all about the fear but how are people helping? JAMSBooks is! With a little booklet, in development stages now, called “Ending Ebola.”

Women of Hope International, a non-profit out of Tennessee, and a JAMSBooks design client, has been training people in Sierra Leone for years. Now, they are using their “feet on the ground” and expertise to replace fear and panic with education, in a way the West African people can understand – stories, illustration and common sense.

Glad Women of Hope is getting news coverage in Memphis! Check this out….News Coverage