Physicians For Peace Give Coloring Books Wings to Dominican Republic Part II
From Physicians for Peace employee, Anne Klinkhammer:Hello Jean!I am not sure if I told you that at the last minute, I joined the mission team that went to the DR the last five days. As a result, I was able to present the coloring books to our resource mothers program. The Resource Mothers Program, based in the Dominican Republic, is an initiative to improve the health of expectant and new mothers and their babies. These women are matched with a local mentor or “Resource Mother.” The Resource Mother is trained to be a role model, counsel pregnant women and provide needed support and assistance for prenatal, postnatal and well-child appointments. The “Mothers” receive a small monthly stipend. The overall goals of the program are to reduce the infection rate and ultimately reduce the mortality rate of newborns; improve the prenatal health of pregnant women and help the partner country enhance its level of care based upon U.S. standards. Statistics have shown an increase in maternal and infant health in the neighborhoods where this program has been implemented. An unanticipated benefit of the program has been the elevated status of the Resource Mothers. They have become highly respected in their communities and several have pursued healthcare careers as a result of their involvement with the Resource Mothers program. We filmed the handing out of some of the coloring books in one of the neighborhoods that we visited, but the film needs a bit of editing. I’ll let you know as soon as it is updated on our website. As a precursor, though, I wanted to send you one of the pics that was taken as we were visiting with some of our resource mother’s clients. Thank you again for helping to improve the health of people around the world! Peace to you today,AnneGO, ANNE and PFP!