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Paulette Takes the Books to Peru
Paulette is a missionary who went to Peru this summer. Members of our Virginia Beach BSF class found out about my fledgling anti-parasite books and bought 250 Spanish copies as a surprise and a gift of support to Paulette. Here’s an excerpt of a recent email she sent to me:
Hi Jean,
Yes, I am home and thank you for making the trip a success with the wonderful books, even the grownups enjoyed them.
We arrived in Peru on Wed. night late. We started working (in Gamaliel) on a security wall the first thing, the next day we had short Bible stories with the children and made witness bracelets. The children loved being hugged and it was heart rendering to see the love and appreciation on each little face.. At Gamaliel, the school and church were surrounded by the security wall. As high up as you could see were little homes (shacks) with dirt floors, maybe one window and a door……..children, animals, chickens, ducks, dogs, & cats. When we started on the wall, children began to peek out and come out of their homes. Some of the women and children pitched in, helping pass bricks in the line that we had going up the hill.
We worked there two days doing Bible stories with the children, different types of Bible crafts and of course, giving out a goodie bag with the coloring books (thank you again) candy, stickers, pencils, sharpeners, etc……..the look on their faces was priceless……….. As you suggested, I did put each book in a zip lock bag along with their colored pencils so they would not get dirty or wet…
We are already planning another mission trip for April and I hope it will be back to Peru……….God had touched our hearts with a passion for these people and it is a serious situation there. They need many, many things…….the school needs painting, windows, etc………..I am so thankful for the opportunity help spread God’s Word to these people and pray that I can do it again soon
Thanks again for the wonderful books and your love for God and these people.